Programs for Every Level of Leadership

Improve Education FundChicago, IL
November 30, 2012

KIPP Foundation

This fall KIPP opened their 125th school. This would not have been possible without the KIPP School Leadership Programs (KSLP) at KIPP Foundation. For the past decade, KSLP has been training and developing aspiring school leaders for underserved communities across the country. Originally focused on developing principals who would found their own KIPP middle schools, in recent years KIPP has also begun recruiting and training school leaders to found high-performing elementary and high schools, as well as preparing leaders at all levels of the leadership pipeline. As a result, KSLP has expanded from its initial Fisher Fellowship program to six distinct leadership development programs serving teacher leaders to current school leaders.

KSLP programs are differentiated so that participants have opportunities to hone the leadership competencies and management skills necessary to be successful in their specific roles. Furthermore, programs are thoughtfully sequenced and gradated; as a result, as participants aspire to additional leadership responsibilities, there are appropriate and rigorous programming matches for them as they continue on their leadership journeys.

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