Funds in Animals

Castration-Mobile-Vehicle Projekt by Prodog Romania e.V. Fund
0 nonprofits
Castration-Mobile-Vehicle Projekt by Prodog Romania e.V. Fund
Welcome to ProDogRomania! We are a non-profit association and would like to inform you about our animal welfare work in Romania. The association was founded in order to represent and promote the idea of animal welfare beyond the borders of Germany in Europe and especially to fight against the misery of dogs in Romania. In a country like Romania, where animal welfare is still in its infancy or even non-existent, we have set ourselves the goal of counteracting these abuses. Helping to help themselves is our first priority! We have been planning it for a long time... Until now there has never been the opportunity... A realisation was not possible... and now finally, together with the PDR Team Baile and the veterinary team from Timisoara, we will be able to realise the dream of a "Castration-Mobile-Vehicle"! Emergency calls keep coming in, especially from rural areas and up in the mountains. Many people there have little money & possibilities. For them, the way to Baile Herculane is half a world trip and they would never be able to come to our shelter for a free castration campaign. They would love to castrate their animals, but the journey with the animal to the vet simply cannot be made possible. In addition, there are many free-roaming dogs up there in the mountains, all of which are not neutered and continue to multiply year after year. With the Castration-Mobile-Vehicle we are self-sufficient and our veterinary team is mobile. We can travel to the villages and offer our free help - for owner dogs, but also for the free-roaming street dogs of the region. Mishu (Shelter Manager) is already talking to some of the mayors in the region to make them aware of this innovation. If dramatic emergencies are found during such missions, they can be taken to our shelter. All other dogs that are fit stay there and are allowed to live their free lives there. ProDogRomania e.V. will finance the complete vehicle and of course we need your help! The vehicle has already been found, the papers are ready and it will be brought to Romania as soon as possible! We hope that you are as happy about this news as we are and that you recognise the necessity and importance of this project. We appreciate your support and are very excited to see how our new project will develop! Thank you very much for your support!
Fundraising to supply Pet Oxygen Masks to Fire Brigades in Ireland (starting in Co. Cork)
0 nonprofits
Fundraising to supply Pet Oxygen Masks to Fire Brigades in Ireland (starting in Co. Cork)
My favorite charity is the Animal Care Society Cork, it will be yours too should you ever get around to visit, their love and dedication to the animals is second to none. Besides "just" running a lot of the daily operation, Albert Kleyn (Director of the ACS) has envisioned many other projects that he'd like to run to improve animal lives all across the county and country. One of those projects was to gift sets of different sized Pet Oxygen Masks to the Cork Fire Brigade so that animals that were exposed to smoke during fires could be adequately treated. As with most charity projects, the biggest issue was funding. Although this one could actually be kick-started with an affordable amount, so I did just that in late 2020 and some of those masks were delivered and handed over in February 2021 County Cork and Ireland are a lot bigger and Fire Brigades around the County need a lot more kits than what I alone (and the VMware matching) could possibly afford. If you think this is worthy and esp. if you are or have family belonging to the ~ 60% of Irish households with pets, please donate. Thank you! Valentin P.S. If you aren't from Ireland / Cork, here is how you can set up something similar for your community: There might already be a charity close to you! Originally, the ACS would have sourced the masks from which operates in the UK, due to the back then imminent brexit we decided to opt for a more local option thought. 1. Identify the need for the local Fire Brigade Ring your local Fire Station (non emergency number!) and ask them, they will be happy to let you know whether there is need and for how many. You should calculate with 1 set per car and maybe one additional reserve per station. 2. Find a local / general animal charity to work with that is registered and eligible on and of course interested This is important because you want your contribution to be matched and it also distributes some of the organizational effort. The charity would buy the masks with the ear marked, donated funds. Make sure to donate directly to the charity and then match on brightfunds so that the directly donated money is available immediately. 3. Find a re-seller for the masks There might be more than one model but we used the Smiths Medical SKU "V7148 Family". To find a local distributor, ask their regional customer service: 4. Negotiate with the distributor It doesn't hurt to ask! Depending on how many kits you are buying (+ if the charity fronts the matched amount since it can take ~ half a year for that to be transferred), the re-seller might be willing to give a discount. Make sure to ask for the red carry bag as those are sometimes not included with the kit, you might also want to add a slip lead per pack. Also mention the purpose, that the masks will be procured by a charity and gifted to local fire stations. While most veterinarian resellers already operate on thin margins, they might not want to make (much) money on this. 4. Prepare the handover The charity might have some contacts here, maybe contact a local news paper and use that to generate additional funds to try to provide the wider County with mask sets :-).
Help 8-year-old Pari to Support Rescued Exotic and Domestic Animals Fund
0 nonprofits
Help 8-year-old Pari to Support Rescued Exotic and Domestic Animals Fund
8-year old Pari Shah is a rising 4th grader and a pen pal of Cisco employee, Rita Whitehouse, who is an animal advocate. Pari and Rita’s friendship began in 2020 during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, when employees as well as family members were struggling with social distancing. The friendship that bloomed with an exchange of letters and cards is now a source of empowerment for Pari. When Rita started sharing books and videos on the rescued animals at the sanctuary, it gave Pari a purpose and empowered her to become an advocate for these rescued, abused and special needs animals. After reading a book about the BLT (Bear, Lion and Tiger) at Noah’s Ark, Pari fell in love with these three animals and quickly reached for her change purse and told her mom, “Please send this change and dollars to help the animals at Noah’s Ark” and this has now turned into a public fundraising effort to support these wonderful beauties and other rescued animals at the sanctuary. Pari’s favorite is Baloo, American black bear, that was rescued with Leo, African Lion, and Shere Khan, Bengal tiger, by Noah’s Ark in 2001, after they were discovered by police officers in a basement of an Atlanta home during a drug raid. At only a few months old, all three cubs were frightened, malnourished, and infected with internal and external parasites when the Georgia Department of Natural Resources brought them to Noah’s Ark. In addition to treating them physically and providing them with a proper diet, the keepers ensured that Baloo and his friends were kept active, alert, stimulated and comfortable. Baloo is now 18 years old—that’s a lot of enrichment! Baloo enjoys batting around his huge ball that is specifically designed to be safe fun for large exotic animals. And he loves his big Rubbermaid bathtub filled with toys. Pari enjoys watching videos of Baloo who is her favorite animal (see web link below to a video of Baloo taking a bath). Other enrichment activities are gym sets, large Rubbermaid tubs, feeder puzzles, hiding food to encourage foraging and multi-level decks for the primates, stainless steel skewers with fresh fruits for the parrots and primates, Kong toys, grapevine wreaths, large wicker baskets, structures for hiding (porcupines and foxes)……the options are numerous! But the cost of some of these items, like the gym sets and big balls for the bears and tigers is great. It is important to provide a variety of enrichment to prevent boredom and frustration. The funds required to provide this much needed component of their care can be significant. Noah’s Ark cares about the mental health, physical health and wellness of its forever residents. Enrichment is about creating choices for animals so they feel more in control of their environment and can support their positive mental welfare and encourage natural behaviors in captive animals. Many of the wild animals that Noah’s Ark has rescued had never touched grass, dirt or trees before coming to their forever home at Noah’s Ark. Noah’s Ark’s mission has always been inspired by the magic of connecting children and animals. Children are the future stewards of our planet. Pari has most definitely injected herself as a true champion for rescued animals. Wouldn’t you like to partner with Pari to help Noah’s Ark continue their mission? Like Baloo, most of the rescued animals at Noah’s Ark will spend their remaining days in peace at a place that truly cares for their well-being. Baloo is our champion to raise money to help care for all of the very special residents at Noah’s Ark, which include big cats, wolves, primates, hoof-stock, parrots, reptiles and more, many of which were severely abused or abandoned before their arrival to the sanctuary. Please partner with Pari to help these precious animals at Noah’s Ark by donating toward her $10,000 goal that will be designated specifically for the care of these rescued animals that are fortunate enough to make it to Noah’s Ark. The donations will be used to pay for a continuous variety of enrichment toys/activities and other animal-related costs for their well-being and comfort. Pari would appreciate it so much if you would donate toward the care of these creatures that cannot take care of themselves so that they can enjoy their remaining years in peace, comfort, and the best health possible. Be sure to designate your donation to Help Pari to Support Wild and Domestic Animals in Captivity. Donations made in the United States are tax deductible. Baloo enjoying his bath: Important links for Noah’s Ark:,,, Link to Pari's video where she is appealing to help these rescued animals. NoahsArkAnimalSanctuary #BLT #ShareTheDream #WOWTour #Cisco
Greyhounds Make Greyt Family Members Fund
1 nonprofit
Greyhounds Make Greyt Family Members Fund
Help our 4-legged friends during Covid-19 shelter in place. While we are all sheltering in place and keeping the world safe, we see many businesses affected by Covid-19; however, we may not think about some of those affected in the downstream of those shuttered businesses. Please help our 4-legged friends who are also forced to shelter in place. 100% of your donation goes to the care and feeding of these wonderful dogs!! With delays and suspensions of travel for transporting greyhounds to adoption groups across the country, the greyhound farms are bearing the brunt of the costs for caring for these wonderful animals until travel restrictions are lifted. Greyhound Pets of America Greater Northwest is not only trying to support any dogs arriving to our area for adoption, but also supporting the dogs who are delayed in being moved by sending monetary help to the farms themselves. When their racing careers are behind them, adoption groups like Greyhound Pets of America Greater Northwest spring into action and are responsible for finding forever homes for these wonderful animals. Greyhounds are often called 45mph couch potatoes for a reason. They love to run...but they also love to rest...on a couch, a lap, at your feet!! These groups raise funds through donations that are used to pay to have the dogs transported and ready to adopt to their forever homes; this includes vet visits for teeth cleaning and shots, neutering or spaying and any other medical needs when the dogs arrive to the group. The groups' volunteers spend countless hours raising funds, finding suitable homes and fostering greyhounds while homes are found.